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VAO TOWER CASTLE, 05.11.2007

The Vao vassal castle dating from the 2nd half of the 15th century has survived in its original shape. The four-storey building is square with the sides reaching up to 10m. The castle was used for purely defense purposes; the vassal and his entourage probably lived in the wooden buildings nearby.

A door in the eastern side led to the castle. Considering the level of the ground at the time the door was located at the height of 3 metres and thus opened to the 2nd floor. The floors were connected with a wall staircase. The first floor was designed as a storage, the second had offices, the third with its fireplace, bed alcove and dansker functioned as living quarters, and the fourth floor used as defense and watch room. Floors I and II are vaulted, III and IV have wooden ceilings. The walls on the lower floors are 1.3-2.4m thick, and up to 1m at the upper ones.

In 1986 the Vao tower castle was restored to function as a club. It is located 2 km north of Kiltsi.

VAO TORNLINNUS, 05.11.2007

Pärit 15. saj. II poolest, on Vao vasallilinnus tänaseni säilinud algupärasel kujul. Neljakorruseline hoone on ruudukujuline, külgede pikkus umbes 10m. Linnus oli kasutusel puht kaitseotstarbeks, alaliselt elas vasall ilmselt kõrval paiknenud puidust hoonetes.

Linnusesse pääses idaseinas asuvast uksest, mis asus 3m kõrgusel ja avanes teisele korrusele. Korrused olid omavahel ühendatud müüritrepiga. I korrus oli mõeldud laoruumiks, II lääniisanda tööruumiks, III - kärnina, voodiniši ja danskeriga - eluruumiks ning IV kaitse- ja vahiruumiks. Müüride paksus oli alumistel korrustel 1,3-2,4 m, ülemistel kuni 1 m.

1986. a. restaureeriti Vao tornlinnus klubiruumideks.

Asub 2 km Kiltsist põhjas.