Kuressaare Castle
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Kuressaare Castle

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Kuressaare castle is the best-survived medieval fortification in Estonia. In all likelihood it was constructed on the site of previous buildings that protected and serviced the ancient Estonians' harbour. The first stage produced a watch-tower between 1262 and 1263 that was surrounded by a circular wall and moat, now survived as the tower of Tall Hermann.

The construction of the chapter house probably started in 1338, but was interrupted by the St. George's Night Uprising (1343). In 1345 the work continued, and in the course of the next few decades a three-storey square building was completed. It had a closed courtyard with a gate and corner towers in the north-east. The first and third storeys of the complex housed service and office rooms, the second floor had the bishop's living quarters and reception rooms.

In the early 15th century the castle was updated and the old circular wall was replaced by a new wall provided with a defensive passage, embrasures and flanking towers. Its length reached up to 625 metres.

Among the towers, only one eastward tower has survived. Modernisation continued during the middle and end of the same century. The wall became higher and the semi-circular or circular North, South and Southeast towers, much more suited to the era of firearms, were erected. The Danes who acquired Kuressaare during the Livonian War began setting up the first earthen barriers.

In 1600 the increasing firearm-power made it necessary to surround the old circular wall with earthwork and bastions. The adding and modernising the earth fortifications carried on until the early 19th century.

Having completely lost its military significance, the castle was restored in 1904-1912 and adapted as a residence and museum of the Saaremaa knighthood.

The last major renovation took place between 1970 and 1985. On that occasion the archery-oriel protecting the gate on the main facade, and portcullis were repaired as well.

Kuressaare episcopal castle now houses a museum; several festively furnished rooms on the main floor, inner courtyard and the towers are open to visitors.


Kuressaare linnus on kõige paremini säilinud keskajast pärit kaitseehitis Eestis. Linnus on tõenäoliselt rajatud muistsete eestlaste sadamakohta kaitsnud ja teenindanud ehitiste asemele. Selle esimeseks järguks oli 1262-1263 ehitatud ringmüüri ja vallikraaviga piiratud vahitorn, mis on praeguseks säilinud Pika Hermanni tornina.

Kapiitlihoone ehitus algas oletatavasti 1338. a. ja selle katkestas Jüriöö ülestõus (1343). Aastal 1345 alustati ehitustöödega uuesti ja paarikümne aasta jooksul valmis kol-mekorruseline ja neljanurgeline, suletud sisehooviga hoone, mille värav ja seda kaitsvad nurgatornid asuvad kirdes. Kompleksi I ja III korrus olid käsutusel majandus- ja ametiruumidena, II korrusel asusid piiskopi elu- ja esindusruumid.

15. saj. algul linnust kaasajastati ning vana ringmüür asendati uue, kaitsekäigu, laskeavade ning flankeerivate tornidega varustatud müüriga. Selle pikkus oli 625 m. Tornidest on säilinud vaid üks idasuunal asuv torn. Sama sajandi keskel ja lõpul moderniseerimist jätkati.

Kõrgendati müüri ja rajati tulirelvade ajastule kohasemad poolringi- või ringikujulised Põhja-, Lõuna- ja Kagutorn. Liivi sõja ajal Kuressaare oma valdusse saanud taanlased alustasid siia esimeste muldtõkete rajamist.

Tulirelvade võimsuse kasv sundiski 1600. a. vana ringmüüri ümbritsema mullast vallide ja bastionidega. Muldkindlustuste lisamine ja kaasajastamine jätkus kuni 19. saj. alguseni.

Lõplikult sõjalise tähtsuse minetanud linnus restaureeriti aastatel 1904-1912 ning kohandati Saaremaa rüütelkonna residentsiks ja muuseumiks. Viimane suur restaureerimine toimus 1970-1985. Siis ennistati ka linnuse peafassaadil väravat kaitsev noolekoda-ärkel ning langevõre. Praegu on linnuses muuseum, mitmed peakorruse piduliku kujundusega ruumid, siseõu, tornid on avatud külastajatele.