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On the site of the later stone castle stood one of the largest ancient Estonian strongholds, known as Tarvanpea (Head of Aurochs -European bison). The Danes probably began constructing their own strongholds there as early as the second quarter of the 13th century, using the rampart and wooden palisade set up by the Estonians.

In the early 14th century the Danes built a new circular stone wall, which was up to 2m thick. The wall followed the ground surface and thus had the shape of an irregular rectangle. The initial wall provided with a defensive passage reached up to 7m.

After the St. George's Night Uprising in 1343 Rakvere passed into the hands of the Teutonic Order who began expanding the castle and the main castle. The northern part was rebuilt as a convent. The more or less uninterrupted construction activity continued well into the 16th century. By that time Rakvere was a mighty complex, quite well suited to the use of firearms.

The Russians who conquered Rakvere during the Livonian War set up a stone and log fortification zone to the castle's northern, eastern and southern slopes. The last fortifications were added by the Swedes at the end of the 16th century who built north- and south-facing bastions and strengthened the western wall and its tower. Between 1602 and 1605 the castle belonged to the Poles who blew it up when they retreated.

The ruins of the castle have been repeatedly conserved, but only partially. The last time was in 1989-1992.

The Rakvere order castle now houses a museum.


Hilisema kivist linnuse kohal asus varem üks suuremaid muinaseesti linnuseid, mida tunti Tarvanpea nime all. Taanlased asusid selle kohale oma kantsi rajama arvatavasti juba 13. saj. II veerandil, käsutades algul eestlaste poolt rajatud valli ja puitpalissaadi.

14. saj. algul ehitasid taanlased uue kivist ringmüüri paksusega kuni 2 m. Ringmüür järgis pinnamoodi ja kujutas endast ebakorrapärast nelinurka. Algne, seest kaitsekäiguga varustatud müür küündis kuni 7 m kõrguseni.

Pärast Jüriöö ülestõusu läks Rakvere linnus ordu valdusse. Alustati linnuse laiendamist ja pealinnuse väljaehitamist. Linnuse põhjaosa kujundati konvendihooneks. Enamvähem pidev ehitamine jätkus kuni 16. sajandi alguseni. Selleks ajaks kujutas Rakvere ordulinnus endast võimsat, juba suuresti ka tulirelvade jaoks kohandatud kaitserajatiste kompleksi.

Liivi sõjas Rakvere vallutanud venelased lisasid linnuse põhja-, ida- ja lõunanõlvadele kivist ja palkidest eeskaitsevööndi. Viimased kaitserajatised lisati 16. sajandi lõpuaastail rootslaste poolt, kes ehitasid põhja- ja lõunaküljele bastionid ning tugevdasid läänemüüri ja seal asuvat torni. Aastatel 1602-1605 kuulus linnus poolakatele, kes selle taganemisel õhku lasksid.

Linnuse varemeid on korduvalt osaliselt konserveeritud, viimati aastail 1989-1992.

Rakvere ordulinnuses asub muuseum.