Haapsalu Episcopal Castle
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Haapsalu Episcopal Castle

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The castle built as castellum was founded immediately after the consecration of the church (1279) and forms an organic part with the latter. The first stage of construction ended in 1300. The initially 8-metre high circular wall was later made even higher so that it reached to 15 metres together with the balustrade.

The castle construction continued in the 14th century. The northern side of the castellum acquired two square towers.

In the 15th century the walls were further elevated so that they reached almost the same height as the wall part of the towers. The first building outside the original edifice was set up - a square watchtower on the western side that was probably meant to safeguard the main portal of the church. At that time the inner courtyard got a full-length cloister.

A small outer ward was built in front of the castle's eastern gate in the 15th century, and the thin and partially insecure walls were fortified. The big eastern outer ward was constructed between 1507 and 1508.

The castle suffered serious damage in the Great Livonian War and was modernised by the Swedes in line with the new fortification rules. The remains of the outer ward were used to create a unique rampart fortification inside the wall. De la Gardies planned to turn the oldest part of the castle into a renaissance palace. Architect Matthias Holl from Augsburg was ordered to produce a project for that, but the work was disrupted by the 1688 fire. After that the castle, with the exception of the church, remained in ruins.

In 1980 the conservation of ruins was undertaken, and the church was restored. In 2001, the ruins of a grand medieval building were discovered during the restoration of the northern wall of the big castle. The house had been built against the castle wall and had survived extremely well. The building with murals and beautiful glazed stove tiles was in all likelihood destroyed in 1563 when the castle was besieged by the Swedish troops. The work is still under way. The castle houses a museum.


Kastellina ehitatud linnus rajati vahetult pärast kiriku sisseõnnistamist (1279) ja kuulub viimasega orgaaniliselt kokku. Haapsalu linnuse esimese etapi valmimisajaks loetakse aastat 1300. Algselt 8m kõrgust ringmüüri kõrgendati hiljem, nii et see küündis koos rinnatisega 15 meetrini.

14. saj. linnuse ehitamine jätkus. Kastelli põhjaküljele kerkis kaks nelinurkset torni.

15. sajandil kõrgendati linnuse müüre veelgi, nii et need saavutasid tornide müüriosaga peaaegu sama kõrguse. Püstitati ka esimene algrajatisest väljapoole jääv ehitis -
lääneküljel asuv nelinurkne vahitorn, mille funktsiooniks oli arvatavasti kiriku peaportaali turvamine. Sisehoov sai sel ajal ka täies ulatuses kulgeva ristkäigu.

15. saj. rajati linnuse idavärava ette väike eeslinnus, sama sajandi lõpul tugevdati ka õhukesi ja kohati varisemisohtlikke müüre. Aastail 1507-1508 rajati suur idapoolne eeslinnus.

Liivi sõjas sai linnus tugevasti kannatada ja moderniseeriti rootslaste poolt uute fortifikatsioonireeglite kohaselt. Eeslinnuse jäänused kasutati ära unikaalse müürisisese vallkindlustuse loomiseks.

Haapsalu linnuse vanima osa kavatsesid De la Gardie'd ümber ehitada uhkeks renessansslossiks. Selleks telliti Augsburgi arhitektilt Matthias Hollilt ka projekt, kuid tööd katkestas 1688. a. puhkenud tulekahju, mille järel linnus, välja arvatud kirik, jäi varemeisse.

1980. aastail alustati varemete konserveerimist ja restaureeriti kirik. 2001. a. avastati suure linnuse põhjapoolse müüri konserveerimistöödel vastu linnuse müüri ehitatud ja erakordselt hästi säilinud keskaegse esindusliku hoone rusud. Seinamaalingute ja iseäranis kaunite ahjukahlitega hoone hävis arvatavalt 1563. a., mil Haapsalu piiskopilinnust piirasid Rootsi väed.

Haapsalu piiskopilinnuses töötab muuseum.