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Vasknarva, Estonia.
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The first castle designated to control the waterways of Lake Peipsi and Narva river was erected in 1349 by the order master G. von Herike. However, soon it was destroyed by the Russians. Construction of a new castle started in 1427 and in 1442 at the latest it was an established fortification.

The castle of the time was a three-storey fortified manor house with an area of 354 sq. m. The building was of limestone, with walls 2.6-3.6 m thick. The manor house was probably surrounded by a circular wall.

The remains of the camp castle walls and round towers are likely to date back to the 2nd quarter of the 15th century. The buildings were clearly adapted to the use of firearms. The towers were located in the north-west and south-east corner of the oblong circular wall; the gate in the northern wall was protected by a special gate building. The original fortified manor house stood by the eastern wall near the south-eastern tower.

Vasknarva castle was destroyed in the Livonian War, but was restored enough to be used again in the early 17th century. Towards the end of that century, however, the castle must have been either abandoned or destroyed, because it was no longer used in the course of the Northern War.

It can be found where Narva river flows out of Lake Peipsi.

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Esimese Peipsi järve ja Narva jõe veeteid kontrollima määratud linnuse rajas 1349. a. ordumeister G. von Herike, kuid see hävitati venelaste poolt üsna varsti. Uue kantsi ehitamist alustati 1427. a. ja hiljemalt 1442. a. oli see kaitserajatisena arvel.

Tookordne Vasknarva kants kujutas endast kolmekorruselist majalinnust pindalaga 354m2. Hoone oli ehitatud paekivist, seinad paksusega 2,6-3,6 m. Arvatavasti oli majalinnus omakorda ümbritsetud ringmüüriga.

Laagerkastelli müüride ja ümartornide praeguseks säilinud jäänused pärinevad tõenäoliselt 15. sajandi II veerandist. Need on juba selgelt kohandatud tulirelvadele. Tornid asusid pikliku põhiplaaniga ringmüüri loode- ja kagunurgas, põhja-müüris asuvat väravat kaitses spetsiaalne väravahoone. Algne majalinnus jäi kagutorni lähedusse ida-müüri äärde.

Vasknarva linnus purustati Liivi sõjas, kuid võeti kohendatuna uuesti kasutusele 17. saj. algul. Juba sama sajandi lõpul pidi linnus olema aga kas hüljatud või purustatud, sest Põhjasõja ajal seda enam ei kasutatud.

Linnus asub kohas, kus Narva jõgi Peipsist välja voolab.

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My name is Tomek Borowski I would like to use this photo in my publication (I am collecting photos of medieval fortifications of Livonia), do you have anything against or do you agree?Please let me know as soom as possible
