The Bishop Castle and the Town of Kuressaare

Estonia. The Island of Saaremaa. Kuressaare Estonia. The Island of Saaremaa. Kuressaare Estonia. The Island of Saaremaa. Kuressaare Estonia. The Island of Saaremaa. Kuressaare Estonia. The Island of Saaremaa. Kuressaare Estonia. The Island of Saaremaa. Kuressaare Estonia. The Island of Saaremaa. Kuressaare

Kuressaare, the largest town on Saaremaa, is actually quite small and perfect for a walking tour.
The Town Hall, located in the main square, was completed in 1670 and currently houses an exhibition gallery as well as the Tourist Information office. Kuressaare Episcopal Castle is the most important sight in the town. The castle is the best preserved of all the Baltic medieval castles. Built from chiseled dolomite blocks in the late 14th century, the castle's design is a basic square with 43m long sides.

The county museum founded in 1865, is located in the bishopric castle. There is a large exposition of the history and nature of Saaremaa; about 30 art, history etc. exhibitions a year; concerts of classical music. In the summer season you can rest your Iegs in the Tower cafe, look at historic ashlers in the cellar and buy pieces of Estonian art and handicraft or enjoy the concerts of "Castle Summer Music".

Sightseeing in Estonia | Interactive Map | County of Saaremaa
